Friday, February 02, 2007

Learning Goals: February is for Narration

I listed my learning goals for 2007 last December. January was devoted to notebooking. I think I did learn a lot about the purposes, principles and practicalities of notebooks. As for the kids: Clare has been keeping notebooks for many years, but I think she was born with the instinct and at most I provided supplies and example. Most recently she's made some scrapbooks that are much more beautiful than anything I've accomplished yet in the way of notebooking. Brendan keeps a spiral, like Liam and I do. It's basically a commonplace book -- theirs are generally for story ideas and drawings and that kind of thing. Their father keeps a similar notebook of his game design ideas. So basically, the older ones have all made notebooks work for them in their own way and maybe that isn't so bad. But for the younger ones, I'm going to revisit the notebooking topic when I get to century books and nature notebooks later in the year.

Now for this month -- February -- I'm going to focus on Narration.

Here are Karen's and Melissa's blogs on reluctant narrators.

Here is Tammy Glaser's page on Narration. I like her whole site: Reflections on CM's 20 Principles. Ambleside has a section on narration. Here is a Parents Review article, Notes on Narration. And here is an article on oral narration by one of my favorite bloggers Cindy at Dominion Family. Here is a blog Narration vs Questioning by Higher Up and Further In with some links to more Parents' Review articles. Narration by Karen Andreola. I guess that is enough for now!

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