Wednesday, December 21, 2005


An article on the homeschool schedule
Spunky's homeschool schedule
Oops, a rabbit trail! articles on Thomas Jefferson Education

In the Now Habit, Fiore talks about "unscheduling" which is the concept of scheduling play and programmed activities, and then fitting work in between, I think??

Unschooling to a Schedule?
Unschooling Schedule

What is our schedule like these days?

  • I get up and work on my SHE chores and do my morning routine, cook breakfast and spend time with the littlies.
  • When the kids get up I let them play a bit and then tell them to check their cards, which have their daily duties on them. I help them with their subjects.
  • I work with Brendan.
  • By this time it's usually lunch time! I do a bit more housework.
  • I take a bath and freshen up.
  • I rest with the toddler and read.
  • I start dinner prep.
  • Dinner, chores
Two articles on Fiore's Unscheduling

How to Use the Unschedule
Sample Unschedule

The idea is to schedule in everything like appointments and standard mealtimes, that kind of thing, and then make sure to schedule time for playing and healthy leisure things like exercise. Then you make a commitment to do thirty minutes of focused work just before the fun time. I guess this gives you a natural incentive for the fun AND also validates the leisure time by having a place for it on the schedule.

I suppose in family life, where timing is more unpredictable, you could just have a list of the leisure things and then peg them to a work effort, as the day progressed. Also, I was thinking for these purposes "work" could be spending time with the kids since for an introvert, relationship things are a drain more than things like I'm doing now.

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