Monday, June 01, 2009


I'm going to move to a new blog address. It's still on blogger, just a different blog and different name. Why? Maybe you caught my post before I deleted it trying to work out why and if. I'm still not exactly sure. But in moving blogs once in a while, I'm in some good company : ).


Amy said...

Hey! I resemble that remark. ;-)

Bookmarking your new address. :)

Stephanie said...

Are you looking at me?!? *LOL!* Off to add your new address to my feed reader.

Anonymous said...

Your new site looks great - expect I couldn't leave you a message. I wanted to say thank you for introducing me to Charlotte Mason; she was certainly ahead of her time. I wish I had read her book 10 years ago. Adriana

Willa said...

Thank you, Adriana -- I revised the settings to make the comment process more friendly over there on the new site.

Willa said...

And thanks Amy and Steph for being good role models ; D!