Thursday, December 01, 2005

What it Looks Like Outside:
Grey and a bit chilly
What is Going On:
It is 7:30 and Aidan is walking around, but everyone else seems to be asleep. Aidan is saying "Magicarp!" and "Poor cat!" (the cat just produced a hairball). Now he's trying to tourniquet my arm with one of those stretchy pipes-- ouch.

General State of Life
  • We finally got the Phantom of the Opera DVD from the library. Clare had been waiting since early fall because there was such a long waiting list.
  • She also is listening to "The Ultimate Gilbert and Sullivan Collection" which I borrowed from the library.
  • Brendan and Sean spent a long time yesterday talking their Bionicle football league. I am logging this kind of thing under "socialization". I realize my kids do a fair amount of "social" stuff -- cooperating, idea generating, give and take -- but mostly in a sibling environment. So it probably limits them a bit in learning to get past exterior differences, especially because they are the kind of people who notice exterior differences intensely. But there is a broad scope for them to learn to deal with temperamental differences because they are all quite different.
  • Aidan and Paddy went outside yesterday with me and played with bugs, cars, and dinosaurs. I am trying to keep them off the computer and TV. So when they ask to watch a movie or play a computer game, I suggest something else and discipline myself to support their active play. That's the new habit we're working on right now.
  • Kieron played with Bionicles and dinosaurs for a long time yesterday. Presently he usually plays alone which is why he looks forward to our homeschool get-together so much, because there is a concentration of kids his age. He spends a lot of time reading or outside, and likes to talk to me -- narrating stories or asking puzzling questions or making jokes. He makes almost all his own meals but unfortunately has a preference for "junk" -- like hot dogs, chicken patties, pancakes with syrup, that kind of thing.

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