Thursday, June 29, 2006

Planting (A Few) Seeds in June

We didn’t seem to have a whole lot of strewing this June. I’m going to call this post “planting seeds” instead of strewing because I notice that a lot of the neatest things that happen here come out of tiny, almost imperceptible or else quite casual beginnings.


This month, getting a camera was a big one. Before that, Clare had been motivated to start taking pics using her older brother’s basically obsolete digital. This motivated me to splurge a bit and buy a quite basic but still decent updated model. I love my camera! It’s to my old analog like email is to writing letters. I used to hesitate to take pictures because I knew several of them would turn out badly, I’d pay money to develop them and have to go through all the trouble of sending them out or bringing them somewhere and then picking them up. Then all the organizing — not worth it to my inner sloth, I guess.

But now!! So easy and it’s been a family thing into the bargain. The kids can take pictures and if they aren’t good, so easy to delete. I stay in the moment better, I find, if I can DO something in the moment, and picture taking fits the bill. Then there is the reinforcement of memories (which is the main reason I wanted to buy the camera in the first place).

The camera was the main thing as far as strewing went, then.


We also may have the startings of a musical plant, too. Clare of course has been devoted to music for some time, but now Liam is regularly practicing the guitar and on Sunday we had a beginner duet from the Noad book. I am planning to buy the Suzuki violin books and at the same time, maybe, the piano accompaniment and a couple of the beginner Suzuki piano books as well. I would like to teach Kieron or have Clare teach him.

Real Seeds

Or rather, bulbs. Clare planted her grandma’s irises that the Forest Service made her remove from next to her cabin up near the summit. She has been taking care of the front yard.

That’s about all. We had 3 birthdays, 1 surgery, and an anniversary. So maybe that was enough to occupy the month. Now life gets busier with a friend visiting, then Independence day and a possible stay with relatives, then a trip up north to visit friends, then football season. Summer always goes faster than we expect it to!

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