Saturday, June 10, 2006

Words of Wisdom

In a post on the new liturgy and literature-based Catholic Mosaic, Elizabeth at Real Learning says something that strikes me as very wise:

There is a growing box of books and assorted curricular materials in the large walk-in closet that is our home library. In it, materials I have purchased but no longer use (or may have never used) are being gathered to sell or donate. For now, though, it stands as a staunch reminder not to buy, sight unseen, every good idea about which I read. Often, one person's good idea becomes my bookend. Instead, when purchasing curriculum, it is better for me to sit here one day--or maybe for several weeks-- and think to myself, "I wish there were a book that did___"
That seems like an excellent way to avoid over-buying or buying things that won't work for our family. In a way, it is like making a shopping list before I go to the store rather than wandering through and getting pulled in by all the things that look so attractive.

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