Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Last Week of September

Someone recommended BBC’s Jeeves and Wooster to me; unfortunately our library only had the fourth season, but we had fun watching it yesterday. It really was pretty hilarious in parts and I think the actors and directors did a good job making the humor of the books show in their visuals. Clare spotted two actors from Sense and Sensibility in J&W — she is getting good at that.

Aidan is developing an amazing (and eclectic) memory. He said these immortal lines the other day: “I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change that image I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.” His Australian accent is pretty cute, if that’s indeed what it is.

He can also say the whole Ave Maria and Pater Noster just from hearing me and Liam say it all summer.

He can also say, “Dodrio, the triple bird pokemon. The three heads represent joy sorrow and anger. All three heads look pretty angry to me. If we don’t get it untangled it could suffocate. Chansey, prepare the anesthetic.”

This is not the kind of echoing he does when he’s stressed. This, he thinks is a joke and can hardly talk for laughing. With the prayers though, he is appropriate — I heard him saying them in the bath today in the form of a dialogue between two people.

It seems like it is in a line with how he is “reading” books now. He has several that he basically knows by heart so he turns the pages and says what the page says pretty close to verbatim. When he gets to a part he doesn’t know so well he makes up what it might say, and does pretty well. It is encouraging to see his verbal sophistication increasing this way.

Sean has been waking up every morning and asking for his math. He’s making progress through book 5 of Key to Algebra. Kieron did some games to teach synonyms and antonyms, and suffixes and prefixes. Both continue Latina Christiana through vocabulary quizzes on the internet. I am planning to make them some match-up sheets to help with learning verb conjugations and noun declensions.

Time to go BBQ hamburgers. We are having some last summer warmth here, but I don’t think it will last much longer.