Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I have been trying to plan for this year and figure out the best way to do my record-keeping. Every year I seem to do it differently. For a few years I tried hard to standardize it, but realized that some variety is OK and even fits my style of doing things. However, I do think I need to be more consistent about how I file things just so I can find them again. I hate both ways of wasting time — ONE, micro-classifying things so it’s an incredible burden to get them stored in the first place –TWO, jumbling them into little corners all over the place so I have to ransack the house to find something I need.

The operative principle here is KISS. If I get the big picture going allright, the details usually follow more easily than when I start from the bottom up.

I like the way My Thoughtful Spot plans according to:

First Priority

Second Priority

Third Priority

and of course, BOoklist

Here’s some more on planning from Cajun Cay (linked on my other blog, but word-press has categories so I want to have it mostly in one place.

Here some internet support for SOL which might be useful. It is mostly computer games and resources built around standards. I was thinking that it might provide a loose framework or supplement to some of the other things we are doing.

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