Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lenten Reading

For Lent I've been reading this book:
Living Water: An Anthology of Letters of Direction
I'm not even sure where we got it originally; it's been around our house for a long time. It has a rather eclectic list of authors from Aelred of Rievaulx to Carlo Carretto to Gerard Manley Hopkins to Brother Lawrence to the Abbe de Tourville.

The book is divided into topics like:
  1. Openness to God and the Self
  2. Self-Abandonment to God
  3. Self-Acceptance
  4. Prayer and Contemplation
  5. Encountering Darkness
  6. The Rhythm of Everyday Life
  7. On Various Sort and Conditions
  8. The Vision of God

I've also been reading Revelations of Divine Mercy: Daily Readings from the Diary of Blessed Faustina Kowalska

This one is divided into topics by month. You can see the Table of Contents here.

I am one of those people who like to rush through books at full tilt. So reading these books in bits and pieces is a penance for me in itself. I'm hoping that the slower pace will allow me to assimilate the wisdom a bit more thoroughly.

1 comment:

momof3feistykids said...

These look excellent. Reading them at a slower pace will give you time for reflection and prayer as you encounter ideas that speak to you.