Saturday, February 17, 2007


Two from JoVE:

Career/Life Planning

One of the bad things about school and its relentless sequential model is that kids are asked as soon as they become teens to make decisions about what they want to do when they grow up and then told that the course choices they make in the next few years are going to be crucial in reaching that goal. This puts a whole lot of pressure on teens at a time in their life when, quite frankly, they don’t need it.

Also, Quoting the Cheshire Cat

(also about career choices and planning, and also perspective on life after forty)

Math Success from Eide Neuro-Learning blog

Some key differences between Asian and non-Asian math learning:

  • –emphasis on conceptual thinking
  • –family motivation and study habits
  • – knowing the math facts.

Meta-Cognitive Strategies