Sunday, March 04, 2007

Crunchy Considerations

I don't usually do these but this one was fun:
How crunchy are you?
HT: The Bookworm
It was amusing to find I ended up as Super Crunchy though I am usually the most jello/instant oatmeal in the circles I personally move in -- which must make most of my friends just ULTIMATELY crunchy. LOL! I suspected as much!

I think that I was higher in crunchiness when we lived in Oregon because it was just so EASY there -- everything's a bit more work up here as far as organic food, finding alternative birthing methods and so on. It seems like a distant memory -- but I used to make my own diapers and diaper wraps, before life caught up with me. I definitely lose points for my habit of wearing socks and shoes unless I'm going to bed. I grew up in Alaska and Switzerland and even here in the CA Sierras the wood floors get COLD -- no bare feet or sandals for me!

Plus Aidan, with his medical needs, made our family style a little more processed and artificial than it was before. Somehow when a child is getting major chemotherapy and is massively immunesuppressed and getting predigested formula by a gastric pump and blood transfusions, it is more difficult to be upset if the other kids have a hot dog once in a while or if the diapers are disposable instead of cloth.

If I ever had another child I think I would be re-evaluating my systems a bit -- even now, Lent is a good time to do so. How apologetic does this sound? But I think there's a better way to think about it than feeling embarrassed about what I'm NOT doing.

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