Friday, March 16, 2007

Miscellaneous Montessori

Kim shared this link to photos of Montessori presentations quite a long time ago on the Real Learning board. I found it when I was googling "presentations." If you are interested in Montessori but have not seen it in action, like me, you might find it helpful. Serendipity!

There are more photos, in The Montessori Method (online book, scroll down)

Also, I found this catalog.

Here is a nice article about starting off using Montessori methods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've incorporated some of the Montessori ideals into our home....we have a mix of "works" and free exploration materials :-) It's actually quite easy to come up with just a few things that are rug work - the thing I've noticed is that those things do end up very neatly back on the shelf ready for the next person. Hopefully, it will instill those habits for all their play eventually. has given me some great ideas for practical life that I pulled together either with material I already had, or some wonderful thrift shop finds.