I didn't take any "Before" pictures, but I spent some time sorting and reshelving books, and here is one of the shelves looking much less dilapidated than it did before.
You know, a couple of years ago I put much time and thought into categorizing books and it has really paid off. It only took me about 45 minutes to sort, stack and reshelve about four full boxes-full. I had been dreading this task and had let it pile up ever since last September, but in vain. I still have a box to put in the closet in my room (more on that project in future blogs) and a box of childrens' books with no home at present.
That's OK, since I had planned to discard about 10 % anyway. That is for next week -- the sorting and discarding process.
Another surprise was that the shelves aren't jammed. You can see above that there is still some room. I had collected more books this year -- as usual!!-- and was afraid there'd be an overspill. Right now, it's looking good, though.
The rest of the house, where I haven't been working to clean, is trashed. That is for next week too, or possibly I'll do a bit later today since we have a quiet home day except for evening Mass.
Once the books are in their proper places I will be able to better plan for next year with my 7th grader and 2 first graders.
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