This is a midway shot of my kitchen cabinet. I had dumped out all the books to sort -- give away, reshelve. Yes, I do keep books in my kitchen cabinet. I actually did get a good bag of give-away books out of the lot. There were about three times as many as you see here.
Now, here I cringe because these are two before shots of my curriculum closet. Who needs a walk-in for CLOTHES -- DH and I keep all of ours in a couple of chests of drawers. This is my little storage space for hibernating curriculum gathered over 15 years teaching 6 children. I have gotten rid of boxes and boxes of resources through the years, but this is what I am having a hard time letting go of. I worked on it for a while this morning, mostly just consolidating all the curriculum into here so that I could sort through and organize.
This is a fully-fledged Dragon in my house and I am going to devote a good part of the summer to ruthless sorting and weeding. Since I know this will be difficult for me -- my weakness is books and curriculum -- I'm going to arrange a set of halfway boxes. I will put the curriculum in there and then have my shelves clear for the stuff I really like and will most likely use.
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