Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Task #2: Downstairs Bathroom


  • Soaked the toilet in vinegar and swished, let stand while I was doing homeschool things.
  • Researched how to really clean a toilet. ..found this.


  • Went through cupboard under the double sink -- right now it's an exile for old garments and knick-knacks that we are keeping but never use. Examples -- my only daughter's First Communion dress; my husband's Superman costume; champagne glasses; some silver pitchers that were a wedding present. I dug everything out, organized it better, and brought out a few "use them or lose them" type things like some old tights from my college days, a scarf, a few white dress shirts.
  • I threw away a couple of grocery bags full of trash and junk .
  • I wiped the cupboard floor under there... dusty but easy to clean.
  • I emptied, wiped and straightened the drawers next to the cupboard.
  • I mopped the floor next to the toilet that had been soaking in vinegar.
  • I wiped around the edges of the cupboard where dust and grit collects.
  • Then swished the toilet and flushed the vinegar.
  • (At that point my teenager asked if he could open the bathroom window and air the place -- my kids hate the smell of vinegar!)
  • Then I put a heavy-duty toilet cleaning agent in the toilet bowl, which is a bit stained in and around it.
  • Then I went and got gloves, a kitchen scrub, and a couple of heavy-duty paper towels.
  • I scrubbed the sinks.
  • Then I scrubbed the toilet for several minutes -- in, out, around. It looks better but the stains are still there, though fainter.

Conclusion, Carry-Over Tasks for Next Time

  • Attack the toilet again.
  • Research $$$ to replace toilet bowl if we have to move and I can't get the stains out.
  • Scrub the bathtub and surroundings.
  • Scrub walls and windows.
  • Consider painting the place.
  • Take down fluorescent light cover and clean it off.
  • Wipe the light switches and door handles.
The place looks pretty OK now. The children rotate through and do the basic bathroom cleaning twice a week so most of what needed to be done was the tough stuff. The whole thing took about an hour which is approximately what I'm planning in the "easier" rooms. The really messed-up ones will maybe take a bit longer.

Next Task:

Hallway Closet #1 (Art Closet)

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