Saturday, December 10, 2005

Cats & Other

TS Eliot Old Possum Book of Practical Cats

The Impossible Dream
Phantom of the Opera

Rhapsody on a Windy Night

1Twelve o'clock.
2Along the reaches of the street
3Held in a lunar synthesis,
4Whispering lunar incantations
5Dissolve the floors of memory
6And all its clear relations,
7Its divisions and precisions,
8Every street lamp that I pass
9Beats like a fatalistic drum,
10And through the spaces of the dark
11Midnight shakes the memory
12As a madman shakes a dead geranium.

TS Eliot

Notes from Wikepedia

Note 1: The name "Jellicle cat" is derived from an attempt by T.S. Eliot's infant niece to say "dear little cat".

Note 2: The name "Pollicle Dog" is derived from an attempt by T.S. Eliot's infant niece to say "poor little dog".

Grizabella the Glamor Cat

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