Monday, June 19, 2006

Finally Past

Aidan’s surgery went well

I will sum up Monday in a few words:

  • Significant PMS.
  • Trying to keep a post-surgical but active pre-reader a “couch potato” for the day, per doctor’s orders.
  • 5 hours of interrupted and nightmarish sleep the previous night, in a strange bed.
  • Weather — temperature in the 90’s, no airconditioning, hay fever.
  • A panic attack when I realized I had given him the Motrin dose for his age rather than his weight, which puts him in the lower dose category. (No harm done other than to my nerves and mother-guilt levels)

Nuff said, I’m sure. We all survived.

A night’s sleep made a BIG difference and I woke up to what felt like a different world. Really! trite as it may seem. Aidan’s medical condition and the pending surgery combined with the normal June post-trauma stress put a cloud over everything. I was struggling through each day and, I wish I would learn not to do this, berating myself for my sloth and laziness.

I woke up today and it was SUCH a big difference! For everybody.

Life’s much better now!

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