Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why Do We Homeschool?

If you want to be affirmed in your conviction that homeschooling can be the right choice, in spite of the occasional prejudiced and uninformed critic and the argument-stopping "homeschoolers turn out weird", look at Julie of Bravewriter's blog for today.

She writes:

If this is what is meant by weirdness through homeschooling, give our kids the diploma right now!

Kids who look adults in the eye when they speak.

Kids who read classic literature during the summer because they can’t wait to read the books, not because it is a “summer reading assignment.”

Kids who think taking an online writing class is fun.

Kids who play classical music on the piano and rock n’ roll riffs on the electric guitar in the same day.

Kids who think that they are in charge of their educations, not that someone else is supposed to be.

Kids who don’t know what it is to bully someone, to be hateful and mean to “fit in.”

Kids who haven’t been told they are stupid, behind, lazy or rebellious just because they learn at different rates than the class.

Kids who don’t know they have big noses, or are too short, or that they live in a small house, or that sharing a bedroom is bad, or that they should hate their little sisters.

Kids who know how to entertain themselves for hours without any adult supervision.

Kids who don’t go to college unless they have a good reason.

Kids who wear modest clothing or funky outfits because they don’t feel pressure to conform.

Kids who think hanging out with a parent is a treat, not a punishment.

Kids who receive rave reviews from relatives, bosses, and teachers for being engaged learners.
Kids who include other kids of any age bracket in their games and parties.

Kids who speak their opinions with confidence that someone will take them seriously.

Kids who have opinions!

Kids who have opinions based on their own research and reading.

Kids, in short, who know themselves better than the demands of a peer group, who believe that education is valuable, who imagine that they can choose their futures.

Revise that. Aforementioned blogging male was right. Our homeschooled kids aren’t just weird. They’re freaks!

In the same line, here's an oldie but goodie from Here in the Bonny Glen

1 comment:

Susan said...

This one's a keeper, Willa! Thanks for the scoop! :-)