Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Why I Have Not Been Blogging

Haven't been blogging much....
These were Liam's last weeks before returning to college.

Oh, Liam, we do miss you! Many blessings on your sophomore year!


Karen Edmisten said...

Many blessings, indeed!

y oldest is almost a teen, and suddenly, the day when she will leave us doesn't seem inconceivable ... oh, my. :-/

Blessings to all of you.

Cay Gibson said...

Great pictures, Willa! You should be very proud of your children and your parenting. :)

Btw, I want your stove. :) How much would you take for it? ;)

Leonie said...

Cool pics! I know how much you all miss Liam.

Willa said...

Maureen -- he likes TAC very much. Classes, tutors, students, extra-curricular environment. His only negative was work study : ) -- he was on trash and kitchen patrol. Oh, and he found it difficult to fit in everything he wanted/had to do in a day.

Willa said...

Andrea -- I can only say it's really hard!! But one does survive. When he first left, I was surprised by how I grieved. Wise older mothers told me not to be afraid to use the phone and email a lot, send letters, send care packages. You will be OK!!

Cay, you will have to deal with my husband on the stove. He custom-ordered it and even made us all watch the promo video about how great it was : D