This is my executive station. I was so tempted to clean up the clutter, and, well, honestly I did, a bit, but it's basically the way it looks right after I straighten it.
In the room behind, you can see my computer where I'm sitting now, though in the picture you see the littlest computer user with his head barely taller than the keyboard. This high table/shelf outside the room is my central control station. I call it my desk. I stand there to catch up with my brain and the household's paperwork. There is always plenty of paperwork, though my brain is sometimes elusive.
The wall is my visual reminder system -- everything goes up there that I want to keep in mind all the time. Pics of people I love, sacramentals, a calendar, and so on.
The basket on the wall holds pens, and mail I need to deal with (I have a desk day once a week to do the dealing). I have a slightly bigger basket on the shelf behind the door, not visible in this picture, where I put mail that is still on active status but not urgent. When I have my desk day, I sort and then file or act upon what is in there.
The plastic crates on the side contain extra curricula -- what we're not presently using but that I might need to grab or look through. I used to have about double that amount of curriculum boxes.... I'm slowly cutting back.
Yes, those are indeed ramen noodles on my table. Aidan must have brought them up; they are his favorite snack. My husband puts mail of interest to me on the table, the kids put completed work and notes to me on there. I usually keep my calendar notebooks on there. Everything goes on there, and since it's right there where I walk past it often, it is easy for me to keep up with it. It doesn't always look great, but it usually works better than OK.
If I push aside that navy patterned cloth you will see why I put it there. Lots of ugly though serviceable boxes. I would love to get rattan file boxes that would look pretty in plain sight, instead of the plastic and cardboard, but they are at least $29 and that amount of money, times eight, buys a lot of nice books. Someday...... but for now, this!
- Top right box holds old magazines and catalogs. When it gets full, I sort through and recycle a few of them.
- Top and bottom left boxes hold comb bound books printed from the internet, like Ambleside books.
- Bottom right box holds loose papers and other miscellaneous things from the homeschool year -- I take it out seasonally and organize it a bit, and at the end of the year I do a thorough sweep and figure out what we're going to keep and what can go. The keeper stuff goes in a dated folder and into an archive box which I keep in a separate place. I am going to try to get into the habit of adding comments so I don't forget WHY I kept that piece of artwork or that worksheet.
- Yellow box holds extra pens. We never have enough around when we need them though.
Moving downstairs now to another system: our catchall basket by the front door. It holds things that are on the way in or out.... library books, sometimes gloves, my purse, or whatever. Yes, it does overflow sometimes. But what it is, is a planned Hot Spot. I go through it almost daily and put things where they properly belong, and leave the truly transitional stuff in there. It seems to serve its purpose: like Don Aslett says of the rugs by the door, it catches things that might otherwise get dispersed all over the house. And since it's right there in plain sight, I have a motivation to keep it from getting too bad.
On the top, the essential pirate hat and fedora and the violin. What homeschool would be complete without them!
This is the sofa and dining room table I mentioned. The room turned out looking darker than it actually is. You can see our bit of the National Forest outside, and my oldest teenager just waking up to face the day.
Well, there you are. Maybe someday I will photograph my curriculum closet or art closet, but not now. By spring they are usually pretty trashed; during summer I reorganize and tidy. I am going for reality, but it was challenging enough to show you those cardboard boxes under the cloth : ).
Anyone else want to or have shared their working systems on their blogs? I know Dawn has her File Folder System here. It is beautiful.
Regina Doman's Storage Box System is here at her House Art Journal -- I like that idea of House Art. For us, "house art" often seems to be the pattern of duplos on the floor, or the books interestingly jumbled on the table, or the children with traceries of powdered sugar on their faces, but looking at her journal has made me try to catch little glimpses of order and grace and harmony in my home, like perhaps this:
Thanks for sharing about your systems - I love reading/seeing how others do it, it helps me brainstorm better ideas for my own home. And I *love* the wall behind your command station. I would thrive with a wall of visual reminders like that! Right now it's just all spread out over the diningroom table, lol.
I love reading/seeing how others do things, too. Especially since there are not many other homeschoolers around where I live : ).
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