Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adding Meaning To....

Kim at Starry Sky Ranch had these beautiful words in her post Back to School:

Lest this all sound a bit too rosy let me assure you, our life has a multitude of challenges. A MULTITUDE. This year in particular. There is no easy button. Why then add more to the plate by way of time-consuming arts? As Sandra says, it isn't about "adding on, but about adding meaning to - to anything and everything you do". We can take moments to make something meaningful or find our lives full of meaningless activity. When moments are hard to come by it is even more important to make each of them count.
I'm adding them to my collection of ideas to remember for this year.

I am grateful to those of you who commented so sympathetically on my two "blue" posts and for the wise women who spoke up on the Real Learning thread where my friend Chari spoke for both of us : ).

And a couple of friends who called me up to commiserate and offer counsel.

Thank you, thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's menopause looming! I think it is bodily changes. Anxiety that comes out of no where, insomnia, cycles going haywire, turning gray, achey joints, night sweats, moodiness, feeling like I'm going crazy sometimes.

We are getting old! But one thing I know is that if I push through it will be alright. Just keep on keeping on! I'm always hovering on the edge of burn out anyway. Have been for years; perservering works. Just hand it over to the Lord, everyday, every time you think of it, everytime you feel like you can't take another step, then at some point the clouds clear and things are rich again.

Let nothing disturb thee . . . .