Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What I've Been Reading

I've been reading a lot recently so I thought I had better make a quick list -- I resolved to keep track this year, but as usual it always slipped to last place.

First, here are some book reviews Clare wrote for The Robe and for Out of the Silent Planet.
(note 5/30 -- and one more The Great Escape.)

That is what I'd LIKE to do with these, but in the meantime, the quick list.

Here is what I've read during May 2008:

In the Middle of at Present:

Note 5/30 -- I finished the first two. I have also started rereading Charlotte Mason's Philosophy of Education.

Books I read bits of but haven't finished:

Not much fiction on there. The last fiction I remember reading is East of Eden by John Steinbeck, but that was in April. Oh, yes, and I forgot:

  • Jenny by Sigrid Undset. Definitely an immature "minor" work of one who went on to become a great woman writer. Plenty of promise, but still wrestling with her creative angel.

Kind of the opposite of East of Eden which struck me as an elderly type of book, with the excesses of garrulity of a great one who is past his prime. Excesses of verbiage, both in the philosophical vein and in the "fondly remembered past exploits" vein. Some of it fit into what the story was about but some of it went on too long. I should add that Clare had a much better opinion of it than I did.

Oh, and how could I forget! Two more I read:

Clare read these too. We had watched the movie Becoming Jane and both of us were curious how much of the movie was "fact" and how much "poetic license".


Anonymous said...

I love getting book ideas from you ;-) and then I give thanks for the big library system I'm blessed to be a part of *bwg*

As for the reading, I'm looking through: Teach a Child to Read With Children's Books, which has been helpful with my 3rd "late" reader. It is a program initially designed for dc who are not on "grade-level."

Willa said...

Oh, thank you Beate. That sounds like the perfect type of reading program for my type ;-)