Friday, September 26, 2008

Off till October

I'm going to be mostly off-line for two or three weeks so this blog will be quiet until early October. I am traveling to a family reunion and also, I have a few other things going on that are using the part of my mind that usually is devoted to writing on here ;-).

A few links to leave on -- at Real Learning, Mary M has collected some resources for the Pauline Year. (logo at the left).

Also, so has the Love2Learn Blog.

My daughter wrote a nice reflection about past journals and growing up at A Maiden's Wreath: From Four Years Ago.

Kevin videotaped Sean's first scrimmage. He is the quarterback on the left side, maroon helmet. The team did pretty well, and Sean made some nice passes. I'm testing video embedding here-- something rather different for this blog, video embedding and football! --- and it appears to be working.

October 1st is the 9th anniversary of Aidan's liver transplant. He went through some rough times. Perhaps you could say some prayers for this little girl who is going through a rough time now.

Now that I'm signing off temporarily I will probably think of all sorts of things to blog about.... oh, well! I will probably still be blogging school stuff over at Schola et Studium.

1 comment:

Chari said...

I will miss you here.......but perhaps not as much as others will miss you ;)

Hurry back! Please?